Bureau of Education & Services for the Blind (BESB)

For Adults 18 years or older: You can qualify for state services if your vision is 20/70 or worse without glasses/contacts in the better seeing eye.

For children and those in the school system: You or your child can qualify for state services if there is a visual impairment that impacts function. This individual will then be evaluated by a BESB staff member.

After a referral is accepted, the social worker meets with the individual and determines what services are needed. They will call from an unknown number if you get a call from an unknown number.

Then individual receives either rehab teaching or orientation and community mobility training.

Orientation and Community Mobility Specialists check to see how individuals move about the community. Then they determine if an ID cane, shades, monoculars, and transportation services are needed. Orientation and Community Mobility Specialists receive their COMS certification. They also tend to have bachelors and masters degree in this area.

Rehabilitation Teachers work to maximizing the remaining vision that the client has. They also assist clients in maintaining their independence with their daily activities.

Caretaker may receive a handicap parking permit through BESB

Click here for BESB's referral form that needs to be signed by an eye doctor

BESB is located at 184 Windsor Ave. Windsor, CT

For more information call 860-602-4000

or visit BESB at https://portal.ct.gov/AgingandDisability/Content-Pages/Main/About-Us